
Civil War, a review

This past weekend I headed out to my local cinema to see what all the hype & criticism was all about. For me, this film was really good. The first thing I'll say is that I appreciate Garland's purposeful ommission of current partisan politics. This was absolutely the right move, not just for the sake of the film's main thesis, but also to ensure the film's relevance in the long-term. I believe we'll be able to revisit the movie in 10-20 years and the message Garland is trying to convey will still be clear and impactful.

I'm not great at writing long reviews, I just don't have the time or patience for it, but I found someone who does a great job at it, and even made a video. I find myself agreeing very much with their analysis and takes, so I highly recommend watching:

One last note, I've only seen the film once thus far, in theaters. I believe the film really needs at least another watch to really get a better feel of the themes and story. I plan to get the film once released for rent/purchase. If I do have new (or changed) thoughts at that point, I'll be sure to share them.